Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Down and Out

Good morning!  Today is March 22, 2017, thirty two days since my last post.  Usually I would say something like, "I've been so busy." or "This happened and that happened."

Today, instead, I just want to post a quick note to let you know what's going on and why I've been so silent.
My daily wardrobe for the past ??? days,  Look at my smile!
Last month I strained my back while cleaning the basement.  The pain was agonizing.  I experienced horrifying muscle spasms.  At first I could barely walk without having one.  The first week, I went to my chiropractor three times, had a full body massage and was only getting worse.

My friend Katherine opened her hot tub up to me, which has been an amazing God send.  It has been my only source of relief for the past month.
The following week, I left work on Tuesday, in tears from the muscle spasms and spent the rest of the week at home recovering.  Rest and strictly following the doctors' orders, I was finally able to go back to work last Monday.

I was even cleared to go to the gym on Wednesday to do light cardio.  I did 30 minutes on the elliptical at a very slow pace, followed by very gentle back stretches.  On Thursday, I considered going to yoga class, but I decided my back needed to rest more than it needed the additional push with the yoga and I skipped it.

Friday was St. Patrick's Day.  I woke up super early and felt fantastic.  I finished cleaning all of my scrapbook supplies that had been in the basement.  I did two loads of laundry and even made dinner for me and my husband.  He had to work that night and I figured it would be easier for him to bring it to work and then my meal was already all set.  I was picking my older son up from college that night.  I had a lengthy to-do list at work and was so looking forward to tackling it.
All of my scrapbook supplies in order!!!  They were spread out all over the dining room since I started cleaning the basement.
I wore the new green shirt and shamrock socks that I bought to run in a St. Patrick's race.  I couldn't run because of my back, but it was Friday and I usually dress more casually on Friday.  My makeup and hair came out great.  I was so happy!  What a great day it was going to be!  I even got an extra-large coffee at Dunkin Donuts on my way to work because, "Why not?"

We had a huge snow storm in Massachusetts last week.  In fact, most of the country had the same storm.  The warm air on Thursday had melted some of the snow, which refroze over night.

On my way into the building, I slipped on the ice and fell on my back, re-injuring my already compromised back.

I can't even begin to tell you all that has happened since then.  To sum it up in three words:  pain, nausea, and tears.

There has been some other stuff going on, which I can't really get into.  Yesterday I was angry with God for my circumstances.  I found two verses which really helped me.
One is my life verse:
Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous; do not be discouraged; for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
God is with me.  He's got me.

And the second one, He gave me (when I was still mad) is this:

But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.  They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
Jeremiah 17:7-8

I do trust in Him.  I do feel the heat right now and I do not need to be afraid.  He is with me.

I realize this was not the quick post I intended it to be.  Sitting is excruciating, but I did just have my morning dose of pain relief, so maybe that's why I'm able to write so much.  I will be back when I am feeling up to it.  In the mean time, please follow me on Snapchat (tracoleman993) or Instagram (@tracoleman99).  You can see my progress and updates there.  I am addicted.

Questions for you: (answer in the comment section below)
Have you ever hurt your back? How did it happen?  How do/ did you manage the pain?

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