Saturday, October 29, 2016

Today is the day!

Today I finally got to go to the gym and work out. 

I am officially medically cleared to exercise again.  Yeah!!!  With conditions, of course.  "Don't over do it!"  "No heavy lifting."

Okay, Doc.  I hear you.

So, let's back track a bit.  I injured my shoulder last spring, re-injured it in September, rode 100 miles on my bike a few days later and seriously inflamed the tendon.  Two weeks ago I had a cortisone shot.  The next day, I had vein ablation surgery on my right leg for my varicose veins.  Last Sunday I woke up, convinced I had a blood clot.  Spent the morning in the e.r.  Diagnosis:  superficial thromboflebitis.

Saw the doctor yesterday and he said I'm good to go.

Yippeee!!!!  I'm so excited!!!!
I forgot  my hair tie and it was super windy yesterday!!!
I thought I would overdo it when I went to the gym, because that sounds like something I would do.  But I didn't.  I kept the weight down.  Focused on form and increased my reps.
I'm more of a free weight lifter.  But my shoulder has to heal fully before I can do much serious lifting, so I'm sticking to machines for my legs.
I started writing this last night and never got back to finishing it...

This morning I am going back to the gym for cardio, core and a Pilates class.  I got a run in this morning.

I am not a runner.  I have no idea if this is a good time for a beginner or not.  I have no idea if I'm wearing the right shoes, if my pace is right or not.  But to me, it's kind of like riding a bike.  Just get out there and do it, learn each time you do it and make adjustments as you go.  What do you think?  

I feel great!!  I do.  I'm so happy to be back at the gym.  I didn't let the restrictions get to me.  The first week I did a lot of walking and hiking.  I had a scare last weekend with the blood clot.  Essentially the veins in my leg are not happy.  It's been quite painful.  This week I took it easy until the doctor cleared me.  Yippee!!!

So, it's 8:30 a.m. on Saturday and I'm heading to the gym to work out.  Have a great day, everyone!

Questions for you (answer in the comment section below):
What's your favorite form of cardio?  Have you ever been restricted from your favorite activity?  How did you deal with it?

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