Sunday, September 25, 2016

Remember the Ride

Wow, what a week I've had!  I blinked an it was Sunday already.
At the Massachusetts State House after the Ride to Remember
Last Saturday was the Ride to Remember and Sunday was a recovery day.

Went shopping Sunday afternoon and bought this pretty blue glass globe to replace a vase Leia knocked over and broke.  The globe is both unique and pretty.
Went to the Big E on Monday night with Brian and our friend Karen.  Worked late on Tuesday.  Went to the Big E again on Wednesday with my friend Liydia.
100 Years of the Big E
The Wine & Cheese Barn at The Big E feature wineries from across New England.  Wine tasting used to be one of my favorite things to do.  While I do appreciate fine wines. I don't drink like I used to, that's for sure.  
Worked late again on Thursday.  Friday was Friday.  
Got in a good workout Thursday night.  Leg day!!!  
Yesterday we did the Rugged Maniac and blink!  Here we are...Sunday again. 
After the Rugged Maniac
Fun!!!  Making fitness fun is a sure way to find enjoyment on your journey.  What's your passion?  Not sure, get out there and try some things out.  Start a new hobby.  See what you love and do it!
As promised, I want to share with you my experiences doing the Ride to Remember this year.  The day was amazing.  The weather was perfect.  We couldn't have had a better day.  And I'm here to tell you what an amazing difference a year makes.  One year and I'm stronger, more confident, less anxious and a whole lot less wound up about it.

Riding in Boston.  The thrill and excitement are hard to describe.
I'm actually not sure I'm stronger than I was a year ago.  My shoulder injury has set me back tremendously.  I re-injured my shoulder the Tuesday before the Ride to Remember, so I was in pain all day.  As I write this, it is throbbing.  But strength can be measured in other ways, and for that, I am convinced I am stronger.
I was number 56.  They wrote my number on my leg upside down, so it looked like a weird 95 I guess.  Not sure if you can see how big my calves are, but seriously, they are rock solid.  I had to go up a size on my capris this year because the size 4's cut me off at the calf and they were very uncomfortable.  Even the size 6's were tight at the calf, but the size 8's were falling off me at the waist.  
If you are a regular reader, you know I've been experiencing some personal struggles lately.  I am starting to find the sun again, but the pain has marked my training this year.  I have had to reach deep to be able to see my way on my path, to struggle to be able to hear my new voice so I am not drowned by the sea of self doubt that once was my routine.  My trip to Florida at the beginning of September was restorative for me.  I feel like the clouds are finally lifting and I can start to come out of my shell again.  It's not been easy and I'm still poking my head out a little at a time.
I love my Aunt Kelly so much.  She is such a blessing to me!
In July I started a new diet and fitness regimen.  I did really well with it, lost over 10 lbs. and was looking super lean.
Ha!  Ha!  You won't be seeing another bikini picture of my any time soon.
But the nutrition plan was ultra low on the carbs and when I started riding my bike again, I had to throw the diet out the window.  Last year I got very sick not eating enough.  This year, I was not making that mistake again.  And so I much of pretty much whatever I wanted.  I did not lose any weight, but I didn't gain any either.  The week before the ride, I was on a carbohydrate binge.
Friday's breakfast, lunch and dinner!  Carbs, anyone?
Why do you need so many carbs when you ride?  Carbohydrates provide your body with energy and help you to replace the glycogen it burns when riding your bike.
This was the fourth year of Ride to Remember.  The ride pays homage to the lives of Massachusetts law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty.  Remembering their sacrifice is the primary goal.  For all the riders, there is a fitness challenge to meet as well.  When I did it the first time, not only was it a major fitness goal, I also wanted to honor my trainer Mike who died the previous November.  I was filled with self-doubt and my anxiety had me reeling.  This year was different.  It was all about me.  I didn't do it to make anyone else proud.  I didn't have the self-doubt or fear that I struggled with before.  I knew I would be able to do it.  Right up until we got to the State House in Boston, I never doubted it.  I would not say that I was arrogant or prideful, on the contrary, I was humbled to honor the lives of the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice protecting and serving the community.

After the ride, Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker spoke to us.  For once, a public official didn't say something to put police officers down, rather he actually gave a meaningful tribute to thank law enforcement officers for putting their lines on the line every time they go to work.  That's the reality.  He is standing by the memorial, which you can't see because of all the people.  But it holds the names of fallen Massachusetts police officers.  It truly is remarkable.
I will do it again next year.  I am hoping to inspire and motivate more people to join us.  It is a cause worth riding for and a challenge worth meeting.  If you think you can't do it, just tell yourself, "If Tracey could do it, so can I."  Two years ago, I walked with a limp.  My knee was in constant pain.  I pushed myself to work through the physical limitations and trained hard to do the ride.  I bought a good bike, but not one that was out of my means.  I rode two - three times per week and made sure I was training for both hills and distance.  This year was different because I knew what to do.  I knew I had it in me.  You can too, if you want.  Just dig deep and believe.  You are stronger than  you think you are!

This view makes it all worth while.  The hours of training.  The year long anticipation that leads up to this moment when you ride by the Citgo sign near Fenway and you know you've done what you set out to do.  You have accomplished the unimaginable.   There is nothing like it.

See more pictures here:  Oh, What a Day!

Read about last year's ride here:  The Girl Picked Last

Coming soon:  Body Beautiful

Questions for you (answer in the comment section below):
What's your favorite outdoor activity?  Why do you like it so much?  Who do you do it with?

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Follow me...
Instagram:  @tracoleman99
Snapchat:  tracoleman993

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Oh What a Day!

Yesterday was the Ride to Remember 2016

We left Springfield, MA at about 7:00 a.m.  It was 102 miles to the Massachusetts State House, arriving shortly after 5:00 p.m.  We had a couple breaks during the day, so our actual riding time was  a little over eight hours.

I will write more about this year's experience, but I wanted to give you a peak at our day.

Dad came down to send us off.  I really appreciated him being there.

A sea of blue...this is where we started.
We had six rest stops along the way, where we were able to hydrate, get some nutrition and...

Use the restroom.  At Boston College, the only rest rooms available were the ones on the Peter Pan buses that came with us.  I had to go soooo bad.  Yikes!
Our ride was great all day!  Seriously, I had plenty of energy.  I felt good.  But the last few miles were the most exhilarating.  Look at the Prudential building off in the distance!  So awesome!
Boston Strong!  That's right!
The finish line of the Boston Marathon.
My riding buddy, Joe.  He and my husband did the ride together the first year.
Brian did it last year and said, "This is not for me."  So Joe & I rode together all day.  It was a good great ride.

We did it!!!  We made it!  And I felt great.

There is so much to say about the day and I promise to write more and tell you about this year's experience.  This morning I am exhausted.  My shoulder was in excruciating pain last night.  It's sore today, but I feel better.  I Stay tuned...

Body Beautiful

I'm working on a post about body image, and I'm hoping you'll give me some feedback for the post.  Please answer the survey above, or check it out here:  What Would You Change?   You can email me your answers if you like.

Questions for you (answer in the comment section below):
Have you ever dreamed the impossible and made that dream come true?  What was your dream?  How did you make it happen?
Do you have a dream that really means a lot to you to accomplish?  What's keeping you from making it happen?

Subscribe to new posts!  When a new post is added, you will receive an email notice so you can check it out.  I promise:  no SPAM and I won't share your email address with anyone.  Look at the top right side of the page to subscribe.  

Follow me...
Instagram:  @tracoleman99
Snapchat:  tracoleman993

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice

What are Little Girls Made Of?

According to the nursery rhyme, it's sugar and spice and everything nice.  And THAT was definitely the case for me before I started my journey towards fitness.  Yes, give me sugar and throw in a little spice and I was in LOVE.

But in the fall, especially now, it's Pumpkin Spice that I LOVE!

It's really a problem...
I bought ALL of this pumpkin spice stuff at different times.
The Pumpkin Caramel tea by Tea Guys is my FAVORITE!!!
And YES, I did eat that pumpkin donut!
When I got serious about watching my nutrition, I started eating Greek Yogurt and a LOT of it.  It's higher in protein and satisfies my sweet tooth or need for ice cream when I'm in a pinch.  I eat one for my morning snack every day.  I can't resist.  Oikos Triple Zero is my favorite!  It has only 130 calories and 15 grams of protein.  That's a lot!

But, for the Pumpkin Spice Season, I stocked up on pumpkin Greek yogurt.  Yes, I've officially made pumpkin spice its own season!

I've tried them all.  The Dannon Light & Fit tastes a little too "diet" to me.  I think they put artificial sweeteners in it.  Not crazy about it.   The Chobani flavors are good, but my favorite is the Oikos Pumpkin Pie.  It tastes like creamy pumpkin pie filling.  It's DELICIOUS!  
In other news, my son is practicing to get his license.  He's 18 and he really should already have it.  I'm not sure who is afraid to let go, me or him.
It's definitely me!
Saturday, I will be participating in my second Ride to Remember, which is a 106 mile bike ride from downtown Springfield, MA to Boston, MA.  The ride is meant to honor the lives of fallen police officers.  This year, we are riding to honor Massachusetts State Trooper Thomas Clardy and Auburn Police Officer Ronald Terentino, Jr.  Both of these officers gave their lives in the line of duty this year.

Ride to Remember 2015
I got my nails done just for the ride.  Kate did a great job!
I know I wrote recently about how much I love this time of year, but it's true.
Check out the mums I bought today.  They aren't quite fully bloomed yet, but they will be so pretty if I remember to water them.  I want to get a variety of colors.  These were the only ones I could distinguish at the market.  The others were all closed up.  I think the purple and orange ones are my favorite.

What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails and puppy dog tails.

I'm working on a post about body image, and I'm hoping you'll give me some feedback for the post.  Please answer the survey above, or check it out here:  What Would You Change?   You can email me your answers if you like.

Questions for you (answer in the comment section below):
What's your favorite Pumpkin Spice flavored or scented thing?  
Pumpkin Pie or Apple Pie?

Subscribe to new posts!  When a new post is added, you will receive an email notice so you can check it out.  I promise:  no SPAM and I won't share your email address with anyone.  Look at the top right side of the page to subscribe.  

Follow me...
Twitter:  @TraceyFit99
Instagram:  @tracoleman99
Snapchat:  tracoleman993

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

What would you change?

I am working on a post about body image.  I am hoping to capture your responses for this, so  I am asking you to please respond in the poll above.

In one of my recent posts, The Change Factor, I had some feedback from a reader about body image.  The post was meant to address blaming our circumstances for out inability to move forward.  However, having struggled with my own image of self for most of my adult life, I wanted to take the opportunity to discuss the topic here.  To make this post even more interesting, I am going to include your feedback.

So, when you look in the mirror, are you satisfied with what you see?  If not, what is one thing you would change about your appearance if you could?

Please respond to the poll above.  If you feel comfortable, I would appreciate additional feedback either in the comment section below, on my Facebook Post or message me privately by email.  Your thoughts and opinions are important to me.  We are not in this alone.

Check out Body Beautiful!

Subscribe to new posts!  When a new post is added, you will receive an email notice so you can check it out.  I promise:  no SPAM and I won't share your email address with anyone.  Look at the top right side of the page to subscribe.  

Follow me...
Twitter:  @TraceyFit99
Instagram:  @tracoleman99
Snapchat:  tracoleman993

Sunday, September 11, 2016


September is my favorite month of the year.  Apples.  Cool nights.  Crisp morning air.  Warm afternoons.  Fall has a distinct smell that just makes me happy.  In Massachusetts, it means the Big E, which is a giant fair with all kinds of goodies from all over New England and the entire Northeast, to be honest.  Now September means the Ride to Remember for me.  Not to mention, my birthday and my husband’s birthday.  I love September.

We went to Worcester to see Mitch for my birthday.  The girls at work bought me lunch and got me Extra gum.  Erica got me this awesome bracelet because she's my person!
 I had a super busy summer.  I can’t believe it’s come and gone so quickly.  I work in the summer to make extra money to help with the boys’ college tuition.  It’s much lower key, but it’s not like being off for the summer. 
Went apple picking yesterday with my best friend Stacy and godson Sam.  Love them apples!
My first time EVER putting my hand to canning.  My friend Liydia told me she canned some tomatoes a couple weeks ago, so I gave that a whirl this week.  What a ton of work!!!  I  made apple butter with the apples I picked yesterday.  Came out beautifully!!!  Yummy!!!  I absolutely LOVE anything apple spice or pumpkin spice.  I'm crazy about it!
School started two weeks ago and I can finally get back into a rhythm. 
Before school started, the counselors work soooo hard to make sure everything goes smoothly.  We go through every student's academic records, make sure they are in the right classes and that there are no holes in their schedule.  We also enroll dozens of new students who transfer to our school.  It is an incredibly busy (and stressful) time of year for us.
Last past weekend I took a little trip to Florida to visit my family there.  My Aunt Kelly and I are close in age and I love her like a best friend.  She gets me.  I swear.  I wish we were closer so we could see each other more often.  It is hard being on opposite sides of the country. 
My Aunt Kelly and I
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor; if either of them falls down, one can help the other up.  But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

It was soooo nice to get away.  I don’t really like to do all the touristy things when I visit.  I really just want to hang out by the pool, go to the beach and see my grandmother while I am there.  When I visit, I want to spend time with Kelly, catch up on the past year or so and reconnect.  That’s exactly what we did.

I’ve been feeling lost lately.  Heart broken.  I confided in Kelly what's been going on and she got it.  She did.  She shared with me her own experience she went through this past year.  I was amazed at how parallel the circumstances were.  While I felt sorry that she went through that, there was something about it that comforted me, because someone understood what I’ve been going through.  Finally.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but god is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalms 73:26
Hurricane Hermine really stirred up the Gulf of Mexico, so when we went to the beach on Saturday, the waves were huge.  By Monday, the water was all stirred up and not the normal aqua blue that it is. 
Normally the water is so blue, but it was cloudy murky after the hurricane.
 Being away from both the gym and my bike, I had to make do with what I had, so I put on my sneakers and went for a couple two-mile runs.  I’m not supposed to run, but I’ve been doing it anyway lately.  It takes me about 20 minutes and I get a good burn.  I have to stop once in a while to catch my breath because I feel like my lungs are going to implode and my heart is going to burst out of my chest.  If you’re from the North East, you know the roads are curvy and often hilly and the houses and vegetation provide visible landmarks so you don’t get lost.  Well, in Florida, the roads are pretty much straight for miles, the vegetation and landscape are all the same.  This meant I had to be careful not to get lost.  I did okay, check out my map:

A quick 20 minute run and I sweat like crazy!

I’ve made a decision and I’m kind of happy, albeit nervous to tell you.  It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while.  Once the finances are set, I’m going to get my credentials to become a personal trainer.  My focus will be on nutrition.  I’m not looking to do it full time.  I love my job too much for that.  But I think this would be a good opportunity to spread my wings and earn some extra income on the side. 

So, check this out!!!  I hurt my shoulder last spring and was in agony for several weeks.  I haven't been able to do push-ups since, but I've been working to improve my strength and am up to 15 pushups in one set.  Three weeks ago I could only do six push-ups, so this is a huge improvement and I love the measurable outcomes.

Train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.  I Timothy 4:8
I have learned so much over the past two ½+ years, that it’s time to share that with others.  Working with Mike and Dmitriy really inspired me to change my life for the better and that difference has been all the difference for me.  It’s my turn to do the same…or at least see if I can.
The same day, I did deadlifts at 135 pounds.  That was super exciting for me!  Four months ago I maxed out at 215#. which was a personal record.  However. with the shoulder pain, I couldn't deadlift at all because the weight was too much strain on the shoulder.  I won't be able to do 200# again for a while, but I can gradually increase my weight and enjoy the satisfaction of seeingI' real gains every week. 
 I will be writing some more here these next few weeks.  I don't want to keep on being an absentee blogger.  Stay tuned.  Future topics include:
Keeping up with "The Grind"
"Body Beautiful"
"Gym Fashion" and more...

Questionsfor you...Answer in the comment section below.
How was "Back to School" for you and your family?
Are you as crazy about apples and pumpkin spice as I am?

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Follow me...
Twitter:  @TraceyFit99
Instagram:  @tracoleman99
Snapchat:  tracoleman993